Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_4ea_0); waiting for someone to free some space...Disk full (/var/tmp/#sql_4ea_0); waiting for someone to free some space... ANA MARIJA ME NIJE VOLELA ENGLESKI
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Ana Maria didn't love me is a sincere, deeply moving and true story of a little girl called Iva who is growing up lacerated between two families – her father’s and her mother’s, between two cities – Zagreb and Krushevac, between two worlds – Croatian and Serbian, between two religions – catholic and orthodox. Iva decided to go for this bitter self confession to get the venom out of herself, in order to survive. She has to be trusted, even when she is speaking about the most fearful and incredible. For children remember the truth. Children sense injustice best. Ana Maria didn't love me is a story about (un)love of brotherhood and unity of all south Slavic nations, about fear and hope of ‘Yugoslavian’, about the abysses of inhumanity and nonsense in which a human is hurled by hate of the ones who are different, about the abuse of God and man’s need to believe, for doing everything that is opposite to any of the ten commandment. Ana Maria didn't love me is a reminder, and at the same time, a book of proofs that only love can save us.

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